Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Not your average nerd

Wow, I'm really a nerd. Why? Because I think this is awesome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN
Scroll down and check out the formula!


Sometimes, I like working downtown. I like walking out of Nordstrom on a rainy December night and smelling the garlic from P.F. Chang's and watching the blur of christmas lights and passing cars, listening to christmas carols play as I walk to my car. It makes me feel like a little kid and all grown up at the same time. Quite satisfactory, really.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

View of Winter

My cubicle, sweet cubicle, has a very large window. Great for views of downtown, mist rising from the river, ambulences racing across the Monroe Street bridge. Also great for allowing cold air to pour in and overpower the tiny amount of heat trying to eek out of the baseboard heater that lives under the very large window. In the summer I have to use an electric blanket because the a/c is so blasted strong. Now, I have that electric blanket (which works best when being sat on), long johns, my sweater, and my brand new baby space heater. And guess what? My bottom half is almost warm. Almost. The rest of me? Cold. There does not appear to be a breeze outside, but I feel it, blowing across my face. Is my top half colder now that my bottom half knows what it is to be almost-warm?
I cannot win. When I freeze, turn me into one of those beautiful sculptures, please and thank you.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Just so you know, when you’re flipping through a bird book and the heading Bushtit is at the top of the page, you may not read it as Bushtit and may need to go back to that page to see what the heck kind of bird that was. (Does it eat cowpies?)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Why one should always carry one's camera and know how to use it

Woe is me and here is why:

This morning I woke up and the sky was perfect. It was barely dawn, it looked like a painting. The colors were subdued and beautiful and there was, glowing low in the sky, a crescent moon, with just enough earth shine to see the rest of the sphere. I took no pictures because I would have to dig out a tripod, see if it fits my camera, and I don't know how to shoot in that kind of light. And I'd be late to work.

Then, I turned the corner coming to work and WOE, for the courthouse is shrouded in mist-ery. The falls are nice and high and active and in this temperature and mist is rising, rising, high high high. Like smoke, but prettier you know. I often see the courthouse in nice light when I come to work, but oh! how today beat all.

Woe. Woe to me.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Along came the worst movie

This morning on the radio, the impossible trivia was something like, "According to a recent survey, what was the worst movie of the last five years?" I disagree with the answer (which, in order to prompt you to talk to me, you'll just have to ask for), but my answer is definately Along Came Polly. That is the worst one I saw. Ever. Okay, not ever. Second worst ever.

Things that should never ever ever ever ever come back.

You won't even believe what I saw for sale the other day while I was out shopping. Are you ready for this? I don't think you are.... Brace yourself... STIRRUP PANTS. Oh my word. I let out an involuntary gasp and very nearly fell over. My friend Sarah was there and can attest to this.
STIRRUP PANTS. I really have nothing more to say on the subject.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is just to say

that my Oregon pictures appear in no particular order. Not chronological even, because my publisher refused to cooperate with my level of patience and competence. So peruse, enjoy, but do not expect order. This may be an orderly universe, but not all who reside in it are capable of functioning at high levels of structure, method, and/or reason, especially when confronted with a machine which insists on impeding any attempt to function in said organized manner.

They are pretty pictures and I had a good time. So there.
Andy in reflection mode Posted by Picasa
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Brooke and Becky (and Baby Kate, of course!) Posted by Picasa
I don't think these people plan on getting wet.  Posted by Picasa
Feelin' smaller than usual. Posted by Picasa
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Light at the end of the tunnel Posted by Picasa
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I call it, "Andy by Firelight" Posted by Picasa
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Baby Kate at the beach! Posted by Picasa
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"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean..." Posted by Picasa
Mmm, girlfriends and coffe at the ocean.  Posted by Picasa
The next morning we went exploring on the other side of the big rocks... Megacool. Uberfantastico. Ridiculously beautiful, really.  Posted by Picasa
Earth, Water, Fire Posted by Picasa
Silohuette Posted by Picasa
Some Nice Shots of the Beach... made possible by God. Thanks, God. Posted by Picasa
A Liz Andy Liz Sandwich  Posted by Picasa
I got Becky before she could get me Posted by Picasa
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