Are you getting tired of reading this blog? I am. Every time there is a new post, it is about some sad thing. Today's sad thing is that Bree went to a new home. Bree wanted to be alpha dog and was always fighting with Dolly. Dolly is almost 13 and clearly is not going to be the one to go away. Bree's new home is temporary too. It is a rescue place (which makes me feel like Bree has been rescued from us, like we're terrible people) and there are 8 permanent dogs, 9 rescue dogs. Bree will go to a home where she can be an agility star. The rescue home also has sheep in case Bree would like to learn to herd something besides flying birds.
Bree was funny. She was cuddly. She was vocal, playful, fast, smart, talented, eager to please, and full of love.
And I miss her.
I miss you, Breely.
Gimme kiss?
Blech. Sheesh! Help!
Good girl.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Always saying goodbye
Friday, November 09, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
A dog by any other name
System goes down, cannot work
Files being sent out for some sort of authority processing, cannot work on those files.
Printer refuses to print.
New toner cartridge is broken.
Need a new mouse.
Keyboard stops working.
Mess with cables-- terminal turns off.
Keyboard still not working.
Remove barcode scanner.
Tangle feet in cords because IT guy undid all my twist ties.
Oh, and all the book carts are being used.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
While We're on the Subject,8599,1655415,00.html
A Wrinkle in Time
Monday, August 06, 2007
At Peace
Coriander has been sick for almost a month. Then she stopped eating completely and the doctors didn't know what was wrong with her. So the other night while she was in my dad's lap, she took her last breath. She was such a good bunny. Pretty, sweet, smart, bunny-soft. Full of personality. You'd think with a houseful of animals, there'd hardly be time to miss a small little rabbit. But I miss her.
Friday, July 06, 2007
The Way I See It #225
People don't read enough. And what reading we do is cursory, without absorbing the subtleties and nuances that lie deep within--Wow, you've stopped paying attention, haven't you? People can't even read a coffee cup without drifting off.
--David Shore, creator and executive producer
of the television drama House
Monday, July 02, 2007
Goodbye Goats

We sold the goats. I miss them. Look at that face! How could you not miss it? So they didn't eat as many weeds as we planned. So we never bred them. They were cute and pretty good company. At least they went together. At least they are going to be mamas and give milk to a family. Stubborn little brats that they were, they are such social animals and so comical. Someday I will have a goat again. Goodbye Hannah-bee. Goodbye Geneva Girl.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Identity Crisis
So, Coriander Carrot Cake is going through an identity crisis. Not only has she just been spayed (hello, change) but we thought she was going to be neutered. That's right. The pet store originally told us that she was a girl, but Emily was sure she So, we went on with life as if she was a boy. A he. Him. Cori. Coriander the boy. Now it's Coriander the girl. This will be somewhat of an adjustment. I suppose that she has always known that she is a girl and it's really just us that will have to get used to the idea. BTW, she's much bigger than she was when I took this picture. Isn't she adorable?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Get me out of here!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Mexico Adventure Part I
But you know what? At least I get to be there. My $2000 will not have been spent completely in vain. Extra adventures so far have included calling MCI to add international calling (they're located in the Philippines?!) so that I then could call the Iberostar to say please, please, let my party know I won't be there today. I attempted no spanish on this call. Once you attempt spanish, they take off at a million miles an hour and you're lucky to pick out one word! Easier in person, but on the phone? Anyway, after about 8 minutes, we figured it out. I hope. I can only hope.
And now, I'm off to the airport to try this again. Life is so... not perfect sometimes.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
choice words not listed here
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I can never get GMH poems to copy in the right format, but here is what he has to say on Spring:
When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;
Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush
Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring
The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;
The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush
The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.
What is all this juice and all this joy?
A strain of the earth's sweet being in the beginning
In Eden garden. -- Have, get, before it cloy,
Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning,
Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy,
Most, O maid's child, thy choice and worthy the winning.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
I probably need some icecream and a puppy. I think it's worth a try.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Some kind of unidentified feeling
And now I have to go back to my aching, being sleepy, and doing my boring job.
This is not depression-- do not be confused. This is near-apathy plus frustration. That's all.
And by the way, it is not raining. It is snowing.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My Broken Heart
I'm here to set the record straight.
Today I'm feeling single. That's a perfectly normal way to feel since I am, in fact, single. I just happen to be feeling it a little more acutely today. So, I was messing with my facebook account and decided to set my relationship status to "In a relationship with Absolutely Nobody." (He's fabulous, really, I can't wait for you to meet him.) Facebook then tried to find Mr. Nobody's profile so that that you could follow a link to his page and be his friend. To no avail, for Absolutely Nobody doesn't exist (there's a philosophical discussion for you), at least in the endless world that is facebook. Therefore, they find it adequate to list me as simply in a relationship. Well! That's no fun! I can't have real, flesh and blood, available men thinking that I'm in a relationship! So, I changed my status back to boring old (factual) single. I deleted the mini-feed information that was informing me of those volatile and traumatic, not to mention sudden, changes in my life, and went on my merry way. (Not married way. Too bad.)
Oh, did I mention that my status said : "Katie is single. Very, very single." What? I was just stating fact.
This evening I decided to check my email and was informed of three new messages waiting for me on facebook. Three! (That's a lot for a single gal.) And from people that don't normally send messages. And they were messages, not just writing on my wall, which meant they were possibly of a sensitive nature. My curiosity was stirred enough that I willed myself to brave our slow connection (currently at its highest speed of 26.4 Kbps) and see what the heck was going on. Well, I had to laugh. Three very caring individuals wondered how they had missed that I was dating someone. Perfectly good question, considering I see two of those three about twice a week. The third friend offered to call the guy all the way from Costa Rica to harass him for being a jerk (and some other choice words). Amazing. I didn't even know some of these people paid any attention whatsoever to my facebook page. But one little change on my profile, and I've got a past with a man who doesn't deserve me.
Well, that took some straightening out. I've assured my dear friends that I have always been, do remain, and will be for the foreseeable future... Single.
My status now says: "Katie is single. Very, very single. And she was never dating anyone. Ignore Facebook! It lies!"
So thank you, Facebook, for my first whirlwind romance and for a relatively painless first breakup. Sigh.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Dr. Emily
Okay, so I knew she would, but she didn't know that she would. The dean just called her up to tell her.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Just stopped! The most avid reader I ever knew has ceased to read, and thus... to breathe? Apparently not, but how is this so?
She has lots and lots of books, asks me to get things out of the library for her, even still attends her book club. (Though really, the book club members pretend to have read a book, start to artificially comment on a tiny aspect of said book, and then listen as one member stretches to relate this aspect to something he can argue about, most likely the evils of all things french. But they all get dinner out of it.)
Anyhow, she doesn't read. I suggest books to her all the time. But she says, "No, I won't read it. I just can't sit still. I only read books that I really, really want to read."
Has she forgotten what it is to read? To live in a book? To starve for hours and deprive yourself of using the bathroom because you positively cannot put the book down? To cry at the end of a book and then cry some more because the book is over? To grieve for an actual loss when you close the book?
What if, one day, I stop reading? I worry for my little customers. I sell books to little children and they love them. They read and read. But so many people I know read when they were children and then stopped. After middle school, they never read again. My dad is one of them. He is always telling us what a reader he was, how he soaked up every bit of information he could get his hands on as a child. What happened? I'm trying to instill a life-long love here. Will I fail? It's not worth nothing, I know. Even if they only read one good book, that one is worth it.
I'm starting to lose it, I think. Now that I read so many young adult and juvenile level books to keep up with our stock, I can hardly read an adult book. An adult book takes me ages and I'm always impressed at the sheer number of words on a page. Is this the down-hill slope? Old age here I come.
My sister just recently read Gone With the Wind, a book I own but don't have the gumption to up and start. But whenever I hand her a picture book to look at, she complains about the number of words. She can't put that much effort into a book. Hmm. She's at an interview for vet school today, and I know she'll do well and be accepted to WSU with no problem. But it makes you wonder. If a picture book were a suffering animal, she'd have no problem with all those words, I guess.
Ah, dear.
"So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?"- Kathleen Kelly
City girl -- Country Girl
Isn't this entry compelling? I bet you're dying to come back and see what else I have to say...
Stay tuned.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Not cut out for Urban life
OH and did I mention that along with not winning front row seats I also did not win a meet and greet pass?! BACKSTAGE people. No goodlooking man with an australian accent for me.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wise Up or Candy Heart Truths
It is equally as easy to read into them all your hopes and dreams. If only the one you gave them to would see the significance. Hello, they're heart shaped. And did he even notice the sayings before pouring the whole box into his mouth as once? So they are jr. high level sentiments. You were just trying to talk to him on his own level.
And then, what if you receive candy hearts? You and every other person he knows, male and female. Well, still. He did include you. And they are hearts. And that one did say "true love" which is so obviously not jr. high. Then there was that one odd one, "fax me". Fax me? Really? Maybe he's not the romantic you thought. Oh, isn't that awkward side of him cute? Wait, he didn't write that!
Valentine's Day is just a crock if your single.
Only a candy heart could sum it up so well: "Wise Up."
*This hypothetical (key word, folks) situation brought to you by Necco. Eww.
I've been enjoying February the last few days, actually. It's not all that cold, just grey and foggy. I like it all dark like this. Yesterday at 11:45 a.m., the street lights outside my office window were still glowing cheerfully.
Of course, when I mentioned this to my liberal friends, they freaked out and started ranting about the energy crisis and global warming and... for heavens sake. I think they need to read a little more literature and not so much current issue/political junk. If you spend all your time fretting about how things are going away you will not even have the chance to enjoy them while they're here. I understand where they're coming from, but they were certainly not looking at my life like a nice old painting like I was. So unsentimental.
I suppose they'd be satisified to know that today, dark as it is, there is no cheer from the street lights. They are just cold metal posts in the cold metal world. And the snow has melted.
Didn't this start out as a happy post?
Friday, February 09, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
You really want to know?
One of my favorite cats is lying on my family room floor, dying.
That is pretty much all I have to say.
Hate to say I told you so...
Morning Nutrition
I'm still going to blame the not-feeling-well on the fact that I'm out of one of my prescriptions. Yeah. That's it.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Ouija Theory
Whatever, it’s all theory and I’ve never even seen an Ouija board. (Not to mention that fact that I don't believe it at all. Disclaimer in case anyone random reads this and decides to tell me all about how the spirits move them. The Spirit moves me, but itain't those spirits and itain't like that.)
PS: Ouija (registered trademark of Parker Brothers), not to be confused with ouji, the Japanese fashion. I do not find the problem of seating to be like Japanese fashion. Japanese fashion is a problem all in itself.