Friday, July 25, 2008

Pick yourself up

When you fall, I believe the conventional wisdom is to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back on the horse. My question is this: How important is the "brush yourself off" part? Metaphorically I can see that it could be important. And I suppose it depends on the severity of the fall and location of said debris on oneself.
All this to say that I saw someone today who apparently took a fall... and got back on her horse (read "bike") but skipped the brushing off part.

Looking Forward to Eternity

I guess you shouldn't spend so much time looking forward to things. Either you get disappointed because the thing never happens. Or it doesn't happen the way you imagined. But even if it does happen and is all you imagined-- even more!-- it happens and then it is over.

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday. I have been looking forward to it for as long as I can remember. Why my 26th? It's not 16, 18, 21, 30... No. But tomorrow I turn 26 on the 26th and this, my friends, is my Golden Birthday. Never heard of it? My family says I made up the idea... but I've been waiting for it an awfully long time. It will probably happen. It will probably not be what I imagined. And in about 26 hours it will all be over.

So it is that the only thing we can safely look forward to is to dwell with Christ in eternity, singing His praise. It will be more than I can ever imagine and it will never be over.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The other side of the coin

Stressful day. Even celebratory events were stressful for me, in some capacity. I love being home, but it's always something, isn't it?

You've reserved the shelter at the park two months in advance and the parks department doesn't post it early enough so someone tries to use it too. You get there early to set up and when your relatives show up they rearrange everything anyway. Little things like that all day. You go to a bridal shower and find it a really difficult, painful environment to be in, but you can't leave because you did not drive yourself.

You get home and find out that one of the kittens (sweet, sweet kittens that could be handled by rough children and not scratch) somehow got locked into a cooler and died while you were all out for the day. As if this isn't hard enough, it has to be told to the five children. And your sister is crying. And you're sick over the whole thing.

After you're back to almost enjoying yourself, though you keep mentioning "the kittens" and have to correct yourself, your youngest nephew is brought into the house crying miserably. It turns out that he has climbed onto the tailgate of the truck and turned to jump off, only he fell and hit his head on the concrete slab. So, not only is he crying but now everyone is in a bit of a panic, and is arguing because they're worried. He is finally whisked off the the ER, but you are left with a headache (oh wait, you already had that-- you are left with a worse headache). You are still worried and tired and stressed.

Oh, also, you have a friend over during all of this.

Well, Caleb turns out to be ok, and there's not much you can do about the rest of it. But you realize that you definitely did not take any medication this morning, and it's probably time to go to bed.

Beside, writing from the point of view is only adding to your level of exhaustion.

So, goodnight.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Home with the hicks

Let me tell you something about being home. It's wonderful. California is okay. Home is awesome. Today I was sitting in Taco Time listening to country music and watching pickups drive by. Even the occasional stock trailer. One truck even had a 'coon tail tied to the antenna. I felt so at home. I can tell some things have changed: when I was at the park today, I saw some men throw away a couple of Gatorade bottles and instead of thinking how nice it was that they went out their way to actually find a garbage can (old me) I noticed that those bottles were recyclable (CA influence).

I sat in the yard all evening playing with puppies and a kitten (oh, I can't even talk about what happened to the other kitten) and dogs and cats and a calf... Gosh, I didn't even go visit the rabbit on the front porch. The weather was perfect. The trees are gorgeous. My family is here. *happy sigh*

Now, of course, I'll never convince you that this is not hickville. That there is culture here, and it's not all 'coon tail-antennas. Oh well. You just stay in California and there will be more room for me here, in heaven on earth.

Monday, July 07, 2008


Blogger wouldn't let me change my reading recommendations for the longest time. It has been at least 8 months, I think. FINALLY, I just changed it. So it should be current. Not that anyone looks at it, but there you have it.
Does it bother anyone else that all my sentences are the same length? It's driving me crazy.

For Kooker

Kooker, this update is for you. Though I work in 12 hours, should be in bed, and have nothing to say, still I shall update my blog.

I'm wondering where I've been for the last three months, that I've had nothing worth blogging. I know that I have... that many times I've thought to myself, "Self, you should blog that. That's just too funny not to blog." But you see, depression is a pit that is awfully hard to climb out of. So instead you sit at the bottom of the pit and do nothing. Even when you are housesitting, you sleep until 5 pm and don't bother to feed the dog because you are not bothering to feed yourself.

Wow, this is more incoherent than I expected. And I did expect incoherency because, as I mentioned (or meant to mention) it is 12:39 am.

Things I could talk about right now:
Chocolate. I didn't have any chocolate whatsoever for 7 weeks. I'm so glad it's over because, boy do I love chocolate. I'm so happy that chocolate is back in my life. I'm back at the point where I could have several hot chocolates a day and be perfectly content with that. Umm num num.

Fireworks. I am more disappointed than I should be that I didn't get to see fireworks on the fourth of July. It's just that I LOVE fireworks. I love all colored light, it seems. Aurora borealis, rainbows... fireworks! I could hear fireworks. But it just sounded like thunder. I do not like thunder.

Puppies. I neeeeeeed a puppy. One that will stay a puppy, preferably. "I'm gonna buy me a dog. 'Cause I need a friend now. I'm gonna buy me a dog. My [guy], my [guy] no longer knows how--how-- How now brown cow?"
(The Monkees, in case you have no idea what just happened.)

School. I want to go back to school. I complain about everyone else studying. I want to study too. It's not fair. I want to be the person in my family with an advanced degree. Problem: I don't want to do anything with an advanced degree (not career oriented, this one). Also, I have no money.

Home. Can I go home yet? I just want to lie on the couch and pet my dogs. I miss Washington. All y'all don't know what you're missing. And it's not just Seattle. Where I live it doesn't even rain all year. Washington is so freakishly wonderfully diverse in it's geography. You need to see it. And love it. And then stay here in California and leave Washington alone.

Bedtime. I need a serotonin buildup. And maybe another glass of chocolate milk.

Kooker, I encourage you to read on for more entertaining, thoughtful, and (possibly) coherent posts.