This is my Bernie angel. Bernie was so named for two (2) reasons. For one, she looked rather like a St. Bernard as a puppy. Secondly, Erik had a very good friend named Bernice, which is Bernie's full name. Bernie is related to Dolly (in many inbred ways). I can't believe I don't have any pictures of my sweet Dolly up on this page, but she looks like Bernie only groomed. Bernie tragically died just yesterday. Thus ends a long line of wonderful dogs from Mike and Lady. Dolly's the only one left in our family and she's fixed. (My poor Dolly was meant to be a mom. You should see her around babies of any species.) Bernie spent most of her life chained because she loved to chase deer. However, in the last year, she has spent a lot of time off of her chain and happily roamed the farm once again (thus the swamp monster). Bernie was very loyal and had only one desire: "Rub my tummy!" The farm has never been dogless in my lifetime. My sweet farm girl will be missed.

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