Thursday, January 11, 2007


I'm so sleepy. All the time, really. That's not okay! Do you know that you should not blink l-o-n-g blinks on the road or close your eyes at every stoplight? It just doesn't seem safe! Do you know that it's probably not a good idea to nod off at your desk every morning? I actually get a decent amount of sleep. At least 7 hours a night on average. More than that usually. But I don't sleep well. I toss and turn a lot. My cat wakes me up early. And beyond that, there's this little thing about fibromyalgia called "non-restorative" sleep. Basically it means you sleep but it doesn't help. Pretty convenient, huh? No. Not so much. So I'm sleepy. And achy. Ick.

1 comment:

Becky said...

So, my mom had a sleep study done and it turned out that she has sleep apnea and everytime she stopped breathing and started again, she'd wake up. Well, she was doing this hundreds of times during the night and thus virtually getting no sleep. It's not a good thing. Now she has to wear a Darth Vader-ish looking mask to bed. Hmm... maybe Darth Vader could help you :)