Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is just to say

that my Oregon pictures appear in no particular order. Not chronological even, because my publisher refused to cooperate with my level of patience and competence. So peruse, enjoy, but do not expect order. This may be an orderly universe, but not all who reside in it are capable of functioning at high levels of structure, method, and/or reason, especially when confronted with a machine which insists on impeding any attempt to function in said organized manner.

They are pretty pictures and I had a good time. So there.
Andy in reflection mode Posted by Picasa
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Brooke and Becky (and Baby Kate, of course!) Posted by Picasa
I don't think these people plan on getting wet.  Posted by Picasa
Feelin' smaller than usual. Posted by Picasa
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Light at the end of the tunnel Posted by Picasa
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I call it, "Andy by Firelight" Posted by Picasa
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Baby Kate at the beach! Posted by Picasa
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"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean..." Posted by Picasa
Mmm, girlfriends and coffe at the ocean.  Posted by Picasa
The next morning we went exploring on the other side of the big rocks... Megacool. Uberfantastico. Ridiculously beautiful, really.  Posted by Picasa
Earth, Water, Fire Posted by Picasa
Silohuette Posted by Picasa
Some Nice Shots of the Beach... made possible by God. Thanks, God. Posted by Picasa
A Liz Andy Liz Sandwich  Posted by Picasa
I got Becky before she could get me Posted by Picasa
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