Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You really want to know?

In case there was any question as to what kind what kind of day I'm having, here is one more peek:

One of my favorite cats is lying on my family room floor, dying.

That is pretty much all I have to say.

Hate to say I told you so...

Hah! It was my medicine or, actually, the lack thereof. I should say it is, since I am currently sitting at my second job wishing someone were here so I could go home. Not that I would. I'm too much in need of the money. I'll be just as dizzy at 5:00 as I am now. So driving whenever--whatever. Advice: Do not stop taking a medication without asking your doctor. That's a stupid thing to do. You will pay. You are not supposed to go off of things cold-turkey. I've gotten in trouble everytime I've done it. It makes the drs and nurses grouchy at you because you call in all whiney and then they have to make it all better. Wow, isn't this the most coherant and interesting post ever? Yeah, I'm feelin' it. Anyway, now they are trying to get my RX preapproved by my insurance company so that I can afford it and won't stop taking it again just because I don't want to go fork over $180. Hmm. ("Dizzy, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning. Like a whirlpool it never ends...") Good thing there aren't any customers in here. Or bosses. I can't get a darn thing done. Work that should have taken an hour this morning took me 2 1/2. Gracious. I'm going to go eat my warm-turkey sandwich before it becomes cold-turkey. This is not "Shut-up-Katie-Funny." I think this is just "Hush up now, girl, and go read a book."

Morning Nutrition

For all the nutrition I've poured into my body this morning, I just can't imagine why I don't feel well. I mean, I started with a chocolate chip granola bar, had a mug of hot chocolate, then had a krispy kreme (my boss's fault, really) and some mnms (my boss, again). Just look at all that dairy. And um, wheat. And hey, coco-bean. Bean. That's a vegetable, right? Right.... I brought water today, but I left it in the car. I was all distracted trying to call a radio station to win Rascal Flatts tickets. I didn't get through. And now I have no water. (The water here tastes like hose water which is fine, when it's coming out of a hose in the back yard in the middle of summer.) My co-worker has given me a satsuma for which I am quite grateful because, you know, oranges go quite well with chocolate...
I'm still going to blame the not-feeling-well on the fact that I'm out of one of my prescriptions. Yeah. That's it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So, I updated my template and am kind of unhappy with it. So bear with me as I mess around with it. I mean, I know, you all are on pins and needles waiting for this page to be perfect. I'll do what I can to please my public. Mm hmm. Right, so... (this short post now has the word "so" no less than four times).

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ouija Theory

Many parts of life (or maybe just finding a seat) are (is) much like being the planchette on a ouija board. (Before you attack my use of “a” rather than “an” see the pronunciation of ouija.) Think about it: You walk into a please-seat-yourself restaurant and how do you decide where to sit? You stop and sit when it feels right. It’s the same on a bus, in the staff lunch room, in a new classroom, at church, etc. Until you’ve established your routine sitting spot and unless you have some OCDish thing about sitting in corners so that you can see everyone but they can’t see you (I don’t know anybody like that… ahem…), this is generally how seating happens. You come to rest. Hover, hover, hover… rest. The only question is: What does it all mean? Ooooooh. Next time you end up at a table with a nasty waiter and dirty silverware, or the kid behind you is kicking your seat you just blame it on the evil spirits that guided your little ouija-rear to that chair.

Whatever, it’s all theory and I’ve never even seen an Ouija board. (Not to mention that fact that I don't believe it at all. Disclaimer in case anyone random reads this and decides to tell me all about how the spirits move them. The Spirit moves me, but itain't those spirits and itain't like that.)

PS: Ouija (registered trademark of Parker Brothers), not to be confused with ouji, the Japanese fashion. I do not find the problem of seating to be like Japanese fashion. Japanese fashion is a problem all in itself.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I'm so sleepy. All the time, really. That's not okay! Do you know that you should not blink l-o-n-g blinks on the road or close your eyes at every stoplight? It just doesn't seem safe! Do you know that it's probably not a good idea to nod off at your desk every morning? I actually get a decent amount of sleep. At least 7 hours a night on average. More than that usually. But I don't sleep well. I toss and turn a lot. My cat wakes me up early. And beyond that, there's this little thing about fibromyalgia called "non-restorative" sleep. Basically it means you sleep but it doesn't help. Pretty convenient, huh? No. Not so much. So I'm sleepy. And achy. Ick.