Sunday, February 27, 2005

Renoir and other people's blogs.

Is this the most boring blog ever?
Do you have headaches every day?
I do.

However, I will say this one (semi)-interesting thing. Today I went to the MAC (the northwest museum of arts and culture: the eastern Washington historical society) and saw some very interesting things. Like a picture of The Y in north Spokane when it was just that: a Y in the road. Also, I looked at an impressionist gallery and am now enchanted by Renoir.
That's all.

The other interesting things I could say really belong in other people's blogs. Like I have a new cousin. And a sheep died, along with her two unborn lambs because she should have had a c-section yesterday. And my sister keeps wearing my nice Eddie-Bauer white down vest over her goat blood and placenta-smeared clothes, even though I bought her a vest of her very own.
See? Other people's blogs. You should tell them to blog those things.

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