Friday, November 17, 2006

Why one should always carry one's camera and know how to use it

Woe is me and here is why:

This morning I woke up and the sky was perfect. It was barely dawn, it looked like a painting. The colors were subdued and beautiful and there was, glowing low in the sky, a crescent moon, with just enough earth shine to see the rest of the sphere. I took no pictures because I would have to dig out a tripod, see if it fits my camera, and I don't know how to shoot in that kind of light. And I'd be late to work.

Then, I turned the corner coming to work and WOE, for the courthouse is shrouded in mist-ery. The falls are nice and high and active and in this temperature and mist is rising, rising, high high high. Like smoke, but prettier you know. I often see the courthouse in nice light when I come to work, but oh! how today beat all.

Woe. Woe to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the view with us! If you don't have a camera, at least you can tell someone else, right? Have a fabulous friday dear :)