Tuesday, May 22, 2007

choice words not listed here

I’m hurt. I’m hurt and it is manifesting in anger. First it was secondhand, in a way. I was mostly hurt because someone hurt one that I love. It was personal on a level even then, because it was hard to avoid hurting all involved. But it has become more personal. This person has decided to block me completely from his life and I have done nothing to deserve that, except be associated with a person he apparently finds it painful to remember. (Which is his own blankety-blank-blank fault.) He is not just blocking me from his life, he is erasing me from it. Any footprint I have left, he is dusting away. And how much more painful must this process be for the one who was closer to him? That thought pains me even more. He is insensitive and immature. I had not thought him to be. Well, if he is such, then good riddance. But the cleansing hurts, and he is not even aware.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,

So, as I read your blog a thought came to mind. Whomever this person is my not allow you to be in his life from here on out, but erasing memories is kind of impossible. There's no way this person will erase the impact you've had on his life. Probably doesn't help the situation. just a thought.