Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Get me out of here!

I need a new job. I can't stand being here! It's tedious. Boring. Ick. How on earth have these people been here for 20 years? I've been here just over a year and I think I'm going to scream. But what could I find that is better? I love my afternoon job, as far as jobs go. But this-- this well paying, easy, boring desk job has got to go. Is it the lack of variety of tasks? Is it the detail work? Is it the people? Is is the fact that I'll never finish anything? All I know is that I'm really quite over it.


Becky said...

Oh I hate getting to that point in a job, I'm so sorry. I'm assuming this means you're back from Mexico?? I need to call you so we can hang sometime.

Anonymous said...

What is your morning job? Doesn't sound fun at all. One full summer I pulled staples out of papers at the county treasurers office, and entire VAULT of papers. I understand the tedious concept. Find something you LOVE! You've got a degree, you deserve it!
(I wish this thing had spell check)