Thursday, June 28, 2007

Identity Crisis

Bunny ball, originally uploaded by negahdron.

So, Coriander Carrot Cake is going through an identity crisis. Not only has she just been spayed (hello, change) but we thought she was going to be neutered. That's right. The pet store originally told us that she was a girl, but Emily was sure she So, we went on with life as if she was a boy. A he. Him. Cori. Coriander the boy. Now it's Coriander the girl. This will be somewhat of an adjustment. I suppose that she has always known that she is a girl and it's really just us that will have to get used to the idea. BTW, she's much bigger than she was when I took this picture. Isn't she adorable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of a vet is your sister anyway?