Monday, August 24, 2009

Take Luck...

My dearest sister has advised me (as have some greeting cards) to concentrate on taking care of myself. This means, among other things, not concentrating on finding the love of my life in male form. To this end, I've come to my blog to brainstorm (can one brainstorm with oneself?) ideas of how to take good care of myself and I wonder if it will only turn into How to Spoil Myself Cuz They Said I Could 101.
Okay, let's see.

Sleep regular hours
drink water
eat veggies
(this isn't sounding like spoiling myself so far)
a massage (more like it)
saving for a trip (spending sounds more fun for immediate pleasure)
hot baths (but this makes the water bill go up)
get the piano from A and play for pleasure and for improvement
write letters

let's start with that, and see how we do. Tired, so it's time to implement #1.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

AND visit a naturopathic doctor. a good list tho, i think you should do it!