Thursday, February 15, 2007


This morning I walked out to a fresh blanket of snow, and it was so lovely! I'd nearly forgotten how nice it could be. Everything was gorgeous. It was very wet snow and the bushes that line our driveway were resting their heads on the cold, black pavement.
I've been enjoying February the last few days, actually. It's not all that cold, just grey and foggy. I like it all dark like this. Yesterday at 11:45 a.m., the street lights outside my office window were still glowing cheerfully.
Of course, when I mentioned this to my liberal friends, they freaked out and started ranting about the energy crisis and global warming and... for heavens sake. I think they need to read a little more literature and not so much current issue/political junk. If you spend all your time fretting about how things are going away you will not even have the chance to enjoy them while they're here. I understand where they're coming from, but they were certainly not looking at my life like a nice old painting like I was. So unsentimental.
I suppose they'd be satisified to know that today, dark as it is, there is no cheer from the street lights. They are just cold metal posts in the cold metal world. And the snow has melted.
Didn't this start out as a happy post?

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